Trouble and anguish have come upon me,
Yet Your commandments are my delight.
Psalm 119:143 New American Standard
Bible 1995
Trouble and anguish are all too common. However, the word for anguish here can also be confinement, disability or distress. It also implies a “narrow place” where one could be ambushed by enemies. This verse encompasses not only physical trials and ailments, but also the emotional stress and pressure that come upon us and the idea of getting trapped or forced into something. These things are an unfortunate part of living in a sin-filled world and they often find or “take hold” of us. They can be so overwhelming that we lose sight of anything good, and can even lose heart. Although we don’t know for sure, David is believed to have written this psalm, and he knew his share of trouble. Looking at his history, along with the other psalms that he wrote, being in a tight place and distressed by his troubles were common to him. He was very vocal about the emotional pain and agony he experienced.
But…he never stayed caught in trouble or brought down by distress or sorrow. He eventually (and probably sooner than most) looked heavenward. He found joy in God, and not only in God Himself, but also in His Law and commands. He took pleasure in the Word of God, but also in obedience to the Word of God. David was no saint. He was no stranger to sin or mistakes, but he was not controlled by sin, nor was he indifferent to it. When he sinned he repented and turned back to God. He knew that true peace and happiness were found in right living and obedience to God. That is why he took pleasure in God’s commandments: because they are the Word of God and because of the joy that comes from obedience.
Are you experiencing
trouble and anguish? Are stress and pressure bearing down on you? Find delight
in the Word of God. Make obedience to God a habit and discover the joy that
comes from it. Discover the pleasure of God’s presence.
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