When he falls, he will not be hurled down,
Because the Lord is the One who holds his hand.
Psalm 37:24 New American Standard
Bible (NASB)
This psalm is talking about
the security of those who trust in the Lord. When the righteous stumble (for we
will stumble, we are not sinless), we will not be cast out because God supports
or upholds us with His hand. We all make mistakes. We all succumb to temptation
at some point, though hopefully that becomes less and less frequent. When that
happens, it is common to feel as if we are without hope, as if we have failed
and are out of chances. Yet that is not true. Because we are held by God,
because He oversees our path, He upholds us. He supports us. Though we fall, we
will not be thrown out or left behind. Nothing can separate us from His love,
no matter what we do it is never too late to come back and repent. That is the
key; when we repent, we are allowing God to pick us back up and restore us. When
we sin, we are stepping out of God’s will and protection, away from His side,
and basically tying His hands. Like a rebellious teen who insists on having his
way, he doesn’t allow his parents to guide him. It is only through repentance
that that guidance and protection can be restored and reinstated. And He will
always take us back. Have you fallen? Do you feel as if you will never be able
to get back on the right path? Repent. Turn back to God and allow Him to
restore you.
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Translations of Greek and Hebrew words taken from
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