Thursday, December 10, 2020

Devotions: Evidence of Repentance


Therefore produce fruit consistent with repentance;

Matthew 3:8 New American Standard Bible (NASB)


This is part of a passage relating the message and ministry of John the Baptist, prior to the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. When he saw the religious leaders approaching, he chastised them, for they thought they were perfect and above reproach or repentance yet they did not act like it. John’s point in this verse is that if we are to call ourselves saved, if we are to claim the name of Christian, then we need to live like. If we claim salvation through repentance then we need to prove it by living as if we have forsaken sin and live for Christ. It is not enough to say one thing and do another. The change must be genuine and thorough. It is not enough to say we are sorry for our sins and then continue in them. We must act in a manner worthy of the name of Christ, one that shows we are truly sorry for our sin. Bible commentator Matthew Henry includes these qualities: humility and lack of pride (viewing themselves lowly), to be thankful for the least mercy (forgiveness of sins which we don’t deserve), patient under the greatest affliction, watchful against all appearances of sin (i.e. caring about how we appear and avoiding anything that could be considered wrong), wary of participating in sin or getting close to it, abounding in godly service, and charitable in judging others (gracious in how we view others). Many who claim to be Christians are not. Jesus said at the end many will come to Him who did much in His name but He never knew them. This all comes down to the heart, having a heart that is truly changed by repentance, one that abhors sin and loves God. It is not so much that we focus on doing one or two of these things, but that we focus on hating our own sin and making every effort to turn away from it. That will change our hearts so that we begin to show more of those qualities. We need to turn to God, away from sin, submitting to Him so that He can change us. Are you sorry enough about your sin to turn away from it? Do you examine your life so you can rid yourself of sin you are not aware of? Do you desire to be more godly and less sinful? Seek to be doers and not hearers only!




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