Anne of Green Gables once said that looking forward to something is half the fun. Anticipation builds excitement and enjoyment. The more we look forward to something the more we enjoy it. It should be the same with Jesus. We anticipate Christmas to celebrate His birth, but we should also look forward to His second coming and be ready for it!
O come, O Key of David, come
and open wide our heavenly home.
Make safe for us the heavenward road
and bar the way to death's abode.
Jesus holds the keys of life and death, to heaven and hell.
He shuts and none can open, and opens so none can shut. Those who reject Him
cannot force the door to heaven open, but to those who believe and obey, none
can keep them from heaven. Jesus is also of the lineage of David. He is heir
not only to the heavenly throne, but also to the throne of
O come, O Bright and Morning Star,
and bring us comfort from afar!
Dispel the shadows of the night
and turn our darkness into light.
Jesus is the bright morning Star. He is the Light of the world, and when this world ends and the new comes we will have no sun or moon, only the Son of God to light our way. He is the one who brings us out of the darkness of sin into the light of truth. The phrase “morning star” refers specifically to the time after this world ends. That is when the morning Star will come. Now we live in the darkness of this world, as lights to the lost, but when this world passes away we will be completely in the light, no more darkness ever! No more fear or pain, no more sin or suffering, no more death. He will provide eternal comfort to those who hurt and heal every wound.
How can Christmas build your anticipation for the coming of the Morning Star? What does the key Jesus holds mean for you?
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