Monday, December 7, 2020

Advent: The Coming of Adonai

Many separate Christmas and the rest of the Bible unconsciously. They think of Jesus being a baby in a manger and forget that He grew to a man and died on the cross. They also forget that the God of Christmas is also the God who gave the Law to Moses and defeated the Egyptian army. He is a God of love and grace, but also of power and justice.


O come, O come, great Lord of might,
who to your tribes on Sinai's height
in ancient times did give the law
in cloud and majesty and awe.


Continuing the Advent tradition of repeating the song O Come O Come Immanuel leading up to Christmas, the third verse talks about God’s might and law-giving, showing the name Adonai. God is so mighty that He created everything with a word. He has raised up nations and torn them down in one stroke. He brought up plagues while miraculously protecting the Israelites in the midst of them. He is a God of justice and truth, and all truth has its foundation in Him. That is why He decides what the law is and how to obey it. He has that right and authority. He is truly majestic and awesome. When He returns, the second and final time, it will be to powerfully throw down all who oppose Him, and to permanently, irrevocably establish His reign and Law forever.


O come, O Branch of Jesse's stem,
unto your own and rescue them!
From depths of hell your people save,
and give them victory o'er the grave.


Jesus could not have been the promised Messiah if He were not a descendent of King David (son of Jesse). That makes Him not only Savior but also rightful King. Yet He did not come to save His people temporarily from Roman oppression, but from eternal spiritual condemnation, from death. Because He died and was resurrected, He defeated death so it no longer has the final say. We can find salvation through Him! That is why He came the first time, and death will finally be permanently defeated when He comes the second time.


How are you looking forward to His reign and defeat of death? How can this time of Christmas be a reminder, not only of His birth, but also of His victory?

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