Monday, February 17, 2020

Love With All Your Soul

What is a soul? What does it encompass and how do we use it? How do we love God with our souls?

We are commanded to love God with our hearts, souls, minds and strength. I said earlier that this represented the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical aspects of our lives; i.e. every part of our being. This does not mean that when we see the word “heart” or “soul” elsewhere in the Bible that they are synonymous with our emotions or spirituality, only that in this context I believe they represent them as part of our entire being. How do we love God spiritually, or with our spirituality?

John 4:24 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.

Here Jesus was talking with the Samaritan woman about worship. Up to that point, the Jews and Samaritans disagreed about where to worship God, whose temple was the proper place. Jesus points out that it is not about the place, but about the nature of the worship and worshipper. To worship God in spirit is to submit our souls to Him, relying on His Spirit to direct and correct us. It is accepting the New Covenant which Jesus brought that unites all who believe to God. Worshipping God is not about external performance or physical rituals. It is about desiring to honor Him, desiring to love Him.

Romans 12:1 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.

Worship is not restricted to singing at church. Worship is a lifestyle. It is presenting ourselves to God, to use as He sees fit, submitting to His authority, living as He commands. It is allowing God to make us holy.

That is how we love God spiritually; submitting to Him, honoring Him, becoming like Him.

Do love God with all your soul? Are you submitting yourself to Him as a living sacrifice?

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