Monday, November 25, 2019

Do We Need the Old Testament?

Many think the Old Testament is old fashioned and irrelevant to our modern society, merely a book of tales and rules that we no longer need to follow. As I said last week, the rules in the Old Testament are still viable and necessary. But what about the rest of the Old Testament? If the stories are just stories, why do we need them?

2 Timothy 3:16-17 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

Notice it says “all scripture,” not just the New Testament, not just the parts we agree with, all of it. The New Testament was based on the Old Testament. Jesus and the Apostles often directly quoted the Old Testament, not only as examples but as truth. If we take away the Old Testament, we take away the foundation not only of the New Testament, but also of our faith. We lose the prophecies about Jesus, proving that He is the Messiah. We lose the Law which shows our need for His salvation. We lose God’s promises to all of mankind.

The “stories” are not just fables or parables, either. The Old Testament is history and truth because it is God’s Word, and if we discredit that, then we discredit everything we believe and even God Himself. Discrediting what happened in the Old Testament undermines God’s credibility. For example, if we discredit the account of Creation, saying God did not really create the world and all in it in seven 24-hour days, then we discredit His power and wisdom. We open our minds to secular opinion and reject the account of the only One who was there (i.e. God). That in turn undermines our own value, that we are made in the image of God and are higher than the animals because of that.

If we disbelieve the account of the flood, then we reject God’s holy judgment of not only their sin but ours as well. We reject the foreshadowing of Jesus’ death on the cross, and even our need for His sacrifice. We remove the value of His promise to never destroy creation with another global flood signified by the rainbow.

If we disbelieve that Abraham was 100 when Isaac was born then we discredit God’s promise to him and the miracle that resulted. We diminish His power and sovereignty, His goodness and mercy, His love and wisdom. These are just a few brief examples of what we lose if we reject the Old Testament.

Even if we believe the Old Testament is true, but fail to read it, we lose so much of God’s character, of the planning He put into our salvation. We miss the many occasions of His mercy and grace, His many promises all of which He has fulfilled. The Old Testament is true and necessary. We need it as much as we need the New.

What lies or misconceptions have you believed about the Old Testament, or about God as a result of discrediting or not understanding the Old Testament? Ask God to help you correct them and determine to learn what He has to tell you through all of scripture.

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