Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Devotions: The Lord Our Strength

The Lord is my strength and my shield;
My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped;
Therefore my heart exults,
And with my song I shall thank Him.
Psalm 28:7 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Many people would say, “God hasn’t helped me. He hasn’t done anything for me. My life is terrible and full of suffering. Why should I thank Him?” The reason is likely because they didn’t actually trust Him. They wanted Him to be a genie in a bottle giving them what they want and making life easy, but they don’t trust or obey Him. They haven’t made Him their strength, but rather tried to do it on their own. God is not a crutch. He should be our life support. He should be the first one we go to in trouble, the first one we seek for counsel, the object of our greatest obsession and joy. God will not help us out of trouble if we don’t trust Him to, especially if that trouble was the result of our refusal to follow and obey Him. Of course, if we sin and repent He will help us to some extent, but sometimes He will let us experience the consequences of our sin so that we will learn to obey Him rather than going our own way. God is good. He works for our good and His glory. If we will trust, follow and obey Him, if we will make Him our strength, then He will help us and we will have ample reason to thank Him. Is God your strength and help? Do you trust Him more than anyone else? Does He have your undivided loyalty?

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1 comment:

  1. Yes,God is the the object of my greatest obsession and joy. He is my strength, He is my stronghold, He is my savior, my joy!
    "And with my song I shall thank Him"
    I love this verse, and in my heart there sings a melody of peace, because God is my all in all.
    Excellent posting, sweet friend.

    Have a most blessed day in the joy of the Lord~
