Monday, May 28, 2018

The Shield of Faith

Fire extinguishers are not something we use daily. Some people never use one in their life, but every building and vehicle (is supposed) to have at least one. It is a necessary safe guard and defensive measure in case of a fire. Generally, they consist of water and some form of retardant which smothers the fire. However, there are other substances that can also be used to put out a fire; dirt, baking soda, wet rags or blankets. What do fire extinguishers have to do with the shield of faith?

Ephesians 6:16 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

The shield of faith is more than a protective, military shield. It not only blocks blows from the enemy, it also extinguishes the fire. The only thing worse than being struck by an arrow is being struck by a flaming arrow. A flesh wound can be recovered from, but being burned on top of it can cause severe, permanent damage.

Of course we need protection from arrows and swords, but we also need to be able to put out the fire that comes with it. Some things we may encounter which would need to be extinguished are gossip, negative thoughts, anger, bitterness, condemnation, temptation, etc. We need to be protected from the pain they cause, but we also need help keeping them from catching fire and spreading, the resulting burn being worse than the initial injury.

Colossians 3:8 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
But now you also, put them all aside: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth.
1 Peter 2:1-3 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Therefore, putting aside all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander, like newborn babies, long for them pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation, if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord.

These are all things which will not only hurt us, but if we do not put them out, stifle or extinguish them, will grow and spread and hurt others as well (note slander and gossip are synonymous.) We not only need to block them, but to put them out, stomp the flame from them and stifle them so they can spread no further.

The best way to do this is through faith; that is the saving faith/belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It is our faith in Him that will allow us to see the truth, for we are often attacked by lies or half-truths. By seeing the truth, we will see the wrong of the “arrow” and will be better motivated and prepared to put it out.

Saving faith gives us the indwelling of the Spirit which is our helper and counselor. He will help us remember and choose the right way. Saving faith gives us assurance of God’s love and grace, and confidence in our standing before Him. Saving faith gives us God’s character so that we can behave in a godly way. Saving faith gives us the freedom to choose between sin and godliness.

When assaulted with condemnation we can remember Romans 8:1 which says that there is no condemnation for those who believe, and faith will help us accept that and reject the arrow. When assaulted with gossip we can remember 1 Corinthians 13:7 which says that love believes the best about people, and faith will help us reject the gossip and give the person in question the benefit of the doubt. When assaulted with bitterness we can remember Matthew 18 which says that we have been forgiven a great debt and if we don’t forgive the relatively small debts others have against us we won’t be forgiven. Faith will help us be humble and loving and reject the temptation to hold onto bitterness, offense and selfishness. When assaulted with negative thoughts we can remember Philippians 4:6-8 which says to praise God and be thankful always and think only of what is godly. Faith will help us control our thoughts and focus on God instead. When assaulted with temptation we can remember 1 Corinthians 10:13 which says that no temptation is unbearable or irresistible, and faith will help us stand strong.

The key to the shield of faith is that we have to “take it up.” We have to grab hold of it, carry it with us, and actively use it. If we don’t use it, or don’t have it to use, it will be of no use to us. We have to use it! And the stronger our faith is the better able we will be to extinguish the arrows of the enemy. Faith is the best fire retardant we can have.

How strong is your shield? Are you using it?

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