Monday, August 9, 2021

Devotions: Part of the Plan


and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;

Acts 17:26-27 New American Standard Bible 1995


This is part of Paul’s speech in Athens on Mars Hill, comparing the One True God to all the gods the Greeks worshipped. Part of that sermon involved God’s plan for mankind. He started with one man and one woman, demonstrating His design for marriage, and from that pair came every nation in history. God determined where they would live and for how long. He decreed the rise and fall of each person and civilization for His good purpose; ultimately for them to seek Him. That is the utmost purpose for every person, family and nation: to seek, find and glorify God. It is why we were created. The world wants to tell us that we are here by accident, so we should spend our lives as we want, glorifying self, and that everything is the result of what we have done. Nations are great because of the people who made them. People are great of their own making. Yet, that is not what the Bible says, and no matter what people do or say He cannot be defied. He determines our days and accomplishments. Nothing we do is merely the product of ourselves but by the gifting of God in us. He gives us the ability and intellect to accomplish what we do. Nations rise because God allows them to, and fall when He deems fit. Man cannot add or subtract one day from God’s plan. The sooner we acknowledge God’s sovereignty and submit to His will the more satisfying life will be. We were created to glorify God and live within His means. Any attempt outside of that will result in a lack of peace and contentment. Many rebel at this kind of surrender and submission, and were it decreed by another human it would be wrong because we are equals. No one has a right to demand that kind of subjection. But God…He created us. He is so far above us that He has every right to command it. Yet He is not a cruel, selfish tyrant, but a loving, gracious Father who does what is best for us. We rebel because we want to be in charge, because we assume that He is like us, but He isn’t and we shouldn’t be. Rebelling against His will is denying and rejecting our purpose, as well as making our lives miserable.

Do you acknowledge God as ultimate authority? Do you submit to His plan for your life? Have you found the purpose He has for you? Ask Him to reveal it to you and help you fulfill it. Ask Him to help you acknowledge and submit to His authority.



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