Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Devotions: Justice and Grace


Lord, be gracious to us; we have waited for You.
Be their strength every morning,
Our salvation also in the time of distress.

Isaiah 33:2 New American Standard Bible 1995


This chapter talks about God’s judgment on the godless. It is just for Him to punish wrongdoing, but not fun for us. And while we do deserve discipline for what we have done wrong, we don’t always get it and there is nothing wrong with asking for grace and mercy. In the midst of discipline we can ask for Him to stop, and often true repentance will result in a cessation of discipline. God doesn’t punish or discipline to be cruel, but to be just and teach us what is right. We need to wait for God to act, to trust in His goodness and timing, to seek His salvation. It is important that we seek God’s strength, rather than our own, and to do it regularly, daily. Remember that grace is not something we deserve, otherwise it wouldn’t be grace, so no amount of “waiting” or trust will earn a cessation of discipline. It is all a matter of God’s good will and wisdom. He will have grace on whom He will have grace. The goal is to be genuine, to wait on and trust in Him because He is God and we love Him, and not to get Him to do what we want. He is not a genie in a bottle here to do our wish, a permissive parent that spoils a child, nor even an abusive parent that cares only about Himself. He is all good, all knowing, gracious, just and wise, and we can trust Him to do what is right and best. However, the more we seek His strength and salvation, the more we wait on Him, the less likely we are to need discipline.

Do you trust in and wait on God? Do you seek His strength and will daily? Renew your diligence and passion for Him. Seek Him continually and surrender every part of your life to Him.



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