Monday, June 14, 2021

Devotions: Come to Your Senses


I considered my ways
And turned my feet to Your testimonies.

Psalm 119:59 New American Standard Bible 1995


The phrase “I considered my ways” could literally be translated to plan, calculate or make a judgment on my course of life. It is similar to the prodigal son who, when he had squandered his inheritance and was feeding pigs for a living, “came to his senses” and remembered how his father’s servants were treated. We need to regularly evaluate our current course of life so that we can plan our next steps. Then if we find anything in it that is wrong or off course even a little we can redirect our path so that it is in the right direction again. It is not the major deviations which are the most dangerous, but the subtle ones that don’t seem to be that different. Satan misleads us not with blatant lies but with half truths. It is so easy to be led astray if we are not paying attention and regularly evaluating our course and purpose.

The key to this is turning our feet to God’s testimonies or precepts. The word translated “turned” actually means to return or turn back, indicating having strayed off course. Once we are on the narrow way at salvation, straying may happen. We can be distracted or misled and turn off course. The way back requires turning, but in order to turn we have to acknowledge that where we are and the direction we are heading is not right. We have to humbly admit our wrong, repent (if necessary) and turn back to God. Our course is determined by what we believe and focus on. If we focus on something other than the Bible more, then we will be led astray and off course. We need to stay focused on the Bible so that we will stay the course. This requires regular and frequent study, plus meditation and prayer. (By meditation I mean pondering the Bible and things of God, not emptying one’s mind.) We cannot be too vigilant. Falling off course does not just happen by believing something wrong. It only takes distraction, falling asleep at the wheel, or by feeling that we are beyond danger. Like the Bible says, let he who thinks he stands beware because that is when we are most likely to fall.

Be vigilant. Take time to consider your path and direction. Ask God to reveal where you are and where you should be, and to help you get back on course. Make a plan to stay focused on the things of God, being intentional about your time and thoughts. And above all, be humble.




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Translations of Greek and Hebrew words taken from

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