Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Devotions: To Have Peace

These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.

John 16:33 New American Standard Bible


This chapter is part of Jesus’ instruction to the disciples on their last night together. He made clear to them who they are and their relationship with each other and the world. Then He warned them about what to expect as His followers, how the world would treat them. He told that He would die and they would be left alone, but He would send the Holy Spirit to help them, and explained to them the power that would be available to them through Him. He told them all of this so that they would have peace. They didn’t need to worry or be anxious or fearful. They could trust Him because He already knew what would happen and had made provision for that. Yes, they would face hardship and persecution, but they could have courage because He is greater than the world and everything in it. This world does not have the final say, He does.

This applies to us as well. We can expect to experience the same kind of persecution and hardships that they did. Part of this is just from living in a sin-filled world, but part of it is from being His followers. Those who are not of Him will hate us as they hated Him, and they will treat us the way that they treated Him. It should be expected, but we don’t have to fear. We can have courage because He has gone before us and He has the victory. It is important to note that He said “in Me you may have peace.” This is not the kind of peace that means lack of conflict. It is not the result of circumstances or policies. It has nothing to do with foreign meditation or anything like that. It is found only in Him, from trusting Him and His victory, trusting Him to provide and protect, trusting that what happens is in His good will. It is a peace that transcends circumstances so that we can have it in the midst of conflict and trouble. It is also not something we can conjure up ourselves, but is a miraculous gift given by Him.

Are you experiencing hardship or even persecution? Do you have peace? Do you trust that what happens is all part of God’s good plan and wait on His timing to deliver you? Remember who has the victory and the final say. Put your hope and trust in Him and leave the outcome in His hands.



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