Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Devotions: What We Really Deserve


Of what can any living mortal, or any man,
Complain in view of his sins?
Let’s examine and search out our ways,
And let’s return to the Lord.

Lamentations 3:39-40 New American Standard Bible (NASB)


We have no reason to complain. Nothing bad that happens to us is undeserved in the long run. Maybe we didn’t do something directly to make it happen, but because of our sin we deserve much severer punishment than we get. We deserve death and eternity in hell. All of us. For one sin. We do not deserve grace or mercy. We do not deserve salvation. Instead of being upset over what we suffer, let us thank God that He let us off easy! Yes, I know that life is hard, sometimes unbearable. Horrible things happen, unspeakable things, but we have no reason to complain. Maybe we seem to be better than most, but are we better than Jesus? Are we perfect? The answer is no. Period. Each sin, no matter how ‘insignificant’ is still spiritual treason against God. It is siding with His enemy, satan, and obeying him instead of God. We only think we deserve better because we do not truly understand God’s holiness or our depravity. Pride keeps us blind. Let us examine our ways, see who and what we truly are in light of God’s perfection. Let us humbly accept the truth of what we deserve so that we can understand and appreciate God’s great grace and mercy. Let us return to God, not asking for better, but asking forgiveness.




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