Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Devotions: Season of Waiting


Our soul waits for the Lord;
He is our help and our shield.

Psalm 33:20 New American Standard Bible (NASB)


Advent is a season of waiting; waiting for Christmas but also for the second coming of Christ. He has come once, and left His Spirit here as a token shall we say that He will come again. So we wait expectantly, while the world falls into deeper sin, for Him to come and make all things new. We also wait for Him to answer our prayers and work in our lives. The word wait can also mean “to long for” and carries with it the idea of binding or tying. Our waiting should draw us closer to Him, binding our hearts to His. To do this we must trust Him, for if our waiting is filled with dread or suspicion we will be pulled away from Him. But to wait patiently in hopeful, expectant trust will bind us to Him as a child hides his face in his mother’s arms; restful, content, and completely trusting. We can do this because He alone is our help and shield. He protects us from harm and evil if we will stay in His arms during our waiting. He helps us accomplish the impossible if we will lean on Him and rely on His strength and wisdom. We are only swayed by fear or knocked down when we pull away from His loving embrace. Let us wait expectantly. Let our waiting draw us closer to Him so that our souls are knit to His ever deeper.  




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Translations of Greek and Hebrew words taken from blueletterbible.org

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