Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Devotions: Choose Peace

 Peace I leave you, My peace I give you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, nor fearful.

John 14:27 New American Standard Bible (NASB)


That is why Jesus came, to give us peace. That does not mean there will be no wars or trouble, but that we will have peace with God. Before salvation we are born as enemies to God because of our sin. We are by nature “at odds” with Him. Jesus came to fix that, to reconcile us to Himself so that we can have peace. We don’t have to be enemies or at odds with God. Through this we are also able to have peace within. Many false religions try to obtain inner peace through meditation or emptying the mind, but they don’t work. True peace can only be found in Jesus. Part of that is the peace of knowing that He is in control. If we don’t trust God to take care of us, then we will be fearful and will not have peace. Worry and fear will rob us. It is only through trusting God, relying on Him to provide and trusting that what happens is His will and He will work it out for the best in the end that we can have inner peace. It is not the kind of peace the world gives or expects. It is possible to have external peace (no wars or problems) and still not have inner peace, but if we have inner peace the external peace doesn’t matter that much. It is kind of like the difference between joy and happiness. One is dependent on circumstances, the other helps us deal with our circumstances. Another way of translating “do not let your hearts be troubled” is “stop letting your hearts be troubled.” We have that power and control. We don’t have to choose fear and worry, instead we can choose to trust. Are you troubled? Do you worry? What do you fear? Seek Jesus and the peace He gives. Choose to rely on Him and let go of your worries.



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