Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Devotions: Which Master Will You Choose?


Lord our God, other masters besides You have ruled us;
But through You alone we confess Your name.

Isaiah 26:13 New American Standard Bible (NASB)


In a “free” country like America, we don’t like the idea of anyone ruling over us or of having a master. The truth is, though, that we all obey someone or something. I am not talking about human slave masters or bosses either, but of those driving desires and passions which motivate our actions. We are all ruled by something or someone, the question is who or what? We are born into this world in sin, a slave to satan and the passions and desires within us. We really don’t have the option to obey God. We might portray some godly characteristics because we are all made in His image, but sin rules in our minds and bodies. It is only through the sacrifice of Jesus that we are redeemed and freed from sin’s grip. Yet we are not free to live as we choose, it is rather freedom from slavery to sin. We then belong to Christ, to follow Him. We must obey someone. If we fall into the trap that “we are our own master” then we are really obeying satan, because that selfishness is sin. Even as believers who submit to Christ and strive to obey Him, we still at times fall into sin, pulled by the desires at war within us. Of all the gods we have obeyed, though, only One is worthy of honor and praise. That is Jesus. The last line of this verse can be translated “but you alone do we honor.” While other masters fight to rule us, we should honor and praise God alone. He is the only Master worth serving because He is rightful master over all creation. He is also the kindest, most loving, gentle and merciful master we will ever meet. He is worthy of honor and service. Nothing we do in serving Him would equal His worth. Whom do you serve? What rules your daily decisions and actions? Whom do you praise? Let the answer to all three be one: Jesus!



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