Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Devotions: Ready to Hear


Your ears will hear a word behind you, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right or to the left.

Isaiah 30:21 New American Standard Bible (NASB)


I have actually had this happen. I literally heard, audibly, the voice of God telling me to do something. At His leading, I spent the summer in Russia with a missionary group. While it is not as common now as it was in the Old Testament times, God does occasionally still speak to us audibly. The reason it is not as common now, though, is because when we give our lives to Christ, His Spirit comes to live inside us, so we have Him always with us telling us how and where to walk. If we will listen… This verse comes from a section talking about the change that will happen in Israel after the exile; a time when they would do away with their idols and gods and seek whole-heartedly the One True God. Then He would talk to them again, and tell them how to live. But first they had to be willing to listen. They had to get rid of the gods which had replaced Him. Then they worshipped actual carven images, but idols to not have to a statue. It is merely something that we desire more than God, something we adore and love and obey above Him. In American culture, that is most often self, living to please self regardless of how that affects others or how that aligns with God’s word and will. Our hearts have to be clear in order to hear Him. When we feel distant from God, it is not because He has moved but because we have put a barrier between us. We are not listening. We have unrepented sin in our hearts. We are too busy to give Him time. We would rather do something we enjoy, be entertained. Do you hear God talking to you? Do you stop long enough to really listen? Is your heart clear and clean so that you can hear Him? Ask Him to cleanse you as only He can. Make the time to truly listen to Him.



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