Monday, August 3, 2020

Devotions: Unashamed

For this reason I also suffer these things, but I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.

2 Timothy 1:12



Paul, one of the greatest apostles and teachers of the Christian faith, suffered. He had a “thorn in his flesh.” Perhaps it was some character defect or physical impediment; maybe a particular temptation that he struggled with. Regardless, he was imperfect, like us, and more than that, God allowed him to continue suffering from that thorn, even though Paul asked to be delivered from it. Paul’s affliction was no reflection on his piety, but his reaction to it was. Rather than feeling sorry for himself because of his affliction, or being angry with God for allowing him to suffer, he was not ashamed of it. He did not consider it as something that would hinder him. He worked through it, and even used it to encourage others. How was he able to do that? He trusted God. He was firm in his faith and knew that eternity rested in Christ. What really mattered, his soul/salvation, was firm in Christ and no one could take it from him. His hope was in God, who does not disappoint. And that hope gave him peace, joy, and confidence. Do you trust God with your life and eternal salvation? Do you trust the Creator and Orchestrator of the universe to take care of you? Do you believe that He is able to save you? Take some time to search your heart, and make yourself right with God. Rely on Him for He is the only one trustworthy. Rest in His arms and let Him take care of you.

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