you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere
love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart, for you have been born again not of seed which is
perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word
of God.
1 Peter 1:22-23 New
American Standard Bible (NASB)
There is a progression here
which is important to note. It begins with obedience to the truth. When we read
the Word and then do what the Word says, we are aligning ourselves with God and
His truth. Doing so over the course of time and through the Spirit changes us,
making us more like God. It purifies our souls. That purification produces in
us a love for other believers. Because they had come thus far, Peter encouraged
them (and us) to grow that into a deep, fervent love. This may seem redundant in
English, but the Greek uses two different words for love. The first is Philadelphia which means
brotherly love, akin to close friendship. The other is agapao which is
associated with God’s perfect, unconditional love. They needed to deepen their
love from affection to deep, unwavering love. But it all begins with a heart
purified by obedience to the truth. That is the only way we can truly love like
god. The reason we should do all of this is because we have experienced
spiritual birth through the Word of God. Though we were alive physically, we
were dead spiritually until God’s Word planted a seed in our hearts which
birthed salvation. It is a seed unlike the one which started our physical life
with sperm and egg, but is eternal and cannot be killed or destroyed. The Word
of God endures forever. It never fades, falters, fails, or ceases. Like God, it
is, and always will be. It is God’s spoken Word which created everything, and
it is Christ who will reign for eternity. The Word is alive, active, powerful,
and enduring. That is what gave us life, so we should be obedient to it and
allow it to purify us so that we can sincerely and deeply love others. Do you
obey the truth? Is it purifying your soul? How can you grow your love for
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