Sunday, August 11, 2019

Devotions: Response to Unfairness

But he said to her, “You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips.
Job 2:10 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Job had just lost everything, all of his wealth, his herds, his servants and his children in one day. His grief was great and he did not hide his pain, yet in the midst of it he still praised God and kept his faith. His wife on the other hand, criticized his faith and told him he should just curse God and die so his suffering would end. She apparently had no faith, or else their suffering turned her bitter and instead of trusting God she blamed Him. This verse is Job’s response to her, which demonstrates the piety and righteousness that God attributed to him. Job knew that he was not perfect, he also knew that God is completely good and not evil. He trusted God’s sovereignty, knowing that he did not deserve the good things he had and kept in mind the fact that God is in control and knows everything that happens and will happen, while we only see a part of it. Job knew that it was unreasonable and wrong to expect life to be perfect. We live in a sin-filled world. Bad things happen and we have no right to blame or curse God for it, any more than we have right to expect only good things to happen to us. Life isn’t fair. That is the curse of sin, which we all fall into. No one is more or less innocent or deserving than any another. Rather than focus on the unfairness of life, we need to focus on God’s sovereignty and trust His goodness. That was satan’s game. He was trying to get Job to fall into the “why me? I don’t deserve this” trap so that he would lose faith. When we face hard times, when life seems unfair, we need to turn our eyes away from our circumstances and instead focus on Christ. He is the only constant we have in life. He is the only absolute truth. Everything else changes depending on how we look at it, facts need to be interpreted. But God tells us exactly Who He is in the Bible and we can trust that. Our circumstances change, fairness is only a matter of perspective. We need to trust in the only One who doesn’t change, the only One who is completely trustworthy. We need to trust that He has everything under His control and will work everything out for the good of those who love Him. Don’t let satan distract you and take your gaze away from God.

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