Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Devotions: Our Shepherd

The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want.
Psalm 23:1 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Ancient Israel was an agrarian culture and sheep were a large part of that. King David himself, who wrote this psalm, was once a shepherd. As such, he greatly understood the similarities between his relationship with his sheep and his relationship with God. He knew what it was to be a shepherd, and recognized in God the perfection of those characteristics. First and foremost, a shepherd provides for his sheep. He makes sure that they have grass and water in plenty, and moves them to new pastures when the old are grazed down. Second, he protects his sheep and makes sure that they are in a safe place. He also fights off those who would harm them. Third, he guides and disciplines them so that they will stay in the path of everlasting life. Fourth, he rewards our deeds accordingly, and praises us for a godly life. He delights in blessing us, and we have more than we could need. That is what a shepherd would do, and that is what God does perfectly for us. Will you follow your Shepherd? Will you trust Him to lead you where He would have you go?

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