Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Devotions: Light and Gladness

Light is sown like seed for the righteous
And gladness for the upright in heart.
Psalm 97:11 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Light comes to those who are righteous. If we believe in Jesus, if we have Him in us, if we live for Him, we will have light in this dark world and be a light for those around us. God gives us His light for life. This is something He prepares for us to have when we need it. He will not leave us to fend for ourselves. Righteous living and delight in God produces light in our lives, but it also gives us joy. Our hearts can be glad even in the worst circumstances because we are upright. This is two-fold. It is partly because our hearts are in right standing with God, so we have joy. We have the assurance that comes with a clear conscience. But also, when we delight in God we will have our hearts desire. God gives us joy when we hunger for Him. That is what our hearts were made to need. That righteousness and delight in God are like seeds that produce light and joy in our hearts. What are you planting?

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning my friend!
    Your posting is wonderful and certainly thought provoking.
    I loved your question at the end ~ "what are you planting."
    The joy of the Lord is my strength, and as I go about my day today keeping my eyes upon my Holy and Righteous Savior, there will be nothing that is too hard for me, because I know that His Light shines brightly in and through me and it is Him and Him alone who directs each step that I will take today, and it will be Him who touches the lives of those around me as I faithfully live for Him.
    I have a situation right now that I believe was ordained of God, and in these next few days I believe God is going to do a mighty work.
    I will praise Him even now before hand because I truly believe He is working in this whole situation.
    It was nice visiting with you ♡
