Thursday, January 17, 2019

Devotions: A Light to Walk By

Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Another way that we receive light is through the Bible. Remember that it is the Word of God, and in John 1 Jesus is called the Word. It is light just as Jesus is light. The Bible is a light for our path by giving us instruction, by helping us see how and where we should walk. Proverbs 6 says that the law is a lamp, teaching is light and discipline is the way of/toward life. It is through reading God’s word and instruction on how we should live, and obeying it, that we see the path, the right path. There are many paths out there, many confusing directions. It is hard to see which is the right way in the dark. (try walking in the woods at night) It is only with a lamp or flashlight that we can see where to walk, where the right path is. The trick is that we have to seek God’s Word, seek the instructions gained in there, and then follow them. It does us no good to read the Bible if we don’t do what it says. That is remaining in the dark. We need to choose to walk in the light, to follow God’s Word, to obey His instructions. Every time we go our own way we are stepping back into the darkness away from the light. Stay in the light, don’t follow pride into the darkness of night.

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