Monday, April 2, 2018

Death Is Not The End

In so many ways, death seems like the end, and in some ways it is. It is the end of an earthly life, the end of an earthly relationship. For Christians it is also the end of suffering and pain and, ironically, the end of death. There is more after death. It is not the end of everything, only of what is earthly and temporary. What we believe about God determines what will follow death; life or torment. That is what happened at the first Easter. Jesus defeated death so that it was no longer the ultimate end. We don’t have to fear death anymore. We have victory through the power of the cross and hope in the empty tomb. For those who believe in Jesus, we can look forward to eternity after death in paradise with God. And though we will continue to lose those we love, we need not mourn for them, only for us, for they have seen the end of suffering and pain! If they and we have found true life on earth (salvation) we will share in eternal life in heaven and we will see them again. We can rejoice in death!

The following is an excerpt from my recently published devotional Hope In Suffering.

He will swallow up death for all time and the Lord God will wipe tears away from all faces and He will remove the reproach of His people from all the earth for the Lord has spoken.
Isaiah 25:8

Death has no power over God. He is mightier and more powerful than any thing, being or action. Nothing can defeat or overpower God. When we trust and believe in Him we inherit that trait and cannot be defeated by death. It doesn’t mean that we won’t die. All creatures on earth must die because they are mortal. But death is not the end. It is a doorway we go through passing from this life to the next as from one room to another. Once we pass that doorway, though, it is demolished and we cannot go back through it (death) again because we have come into God’s kingdom where there is nothing bad or evil. There will be no sadness, no pain, no death, no loss and no separation. All who enter there will be forever inseparable from God. We will eventually be given new bodies that will not be corrupted or tainted. They will not grow old, deteriorate or become diseased. We will have reached perfection in Christ there. We will have no more sorrow or humiliation, no more disappointment or rejection, only love and joy and peace.
“No more crying there, we are going to see the king!
No more dying there, we are going to see the king!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! We’re going to see the king!”

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