Thursday, August 24, 2017

Devotions: An Overflow of Blessings

How blessed is everyone who fears the Lord,
Who walks in His ways.

Psalm 128:1 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Fear is not a state of being afraid, but reverent adoration. It is the kind of “fear” that compels one to desire to please, worship and obey. Many people, even Christians, do not have a healthy fear of God. To them God is a genie in a bottle, a best friend, a crutch, a strict authority. They do not desire to please or know Him, only to get what He offers. They are not in awe of Him. Many know that believing in God is important, but are not willing to pursue a deep relationship with Him. The result of this nominal faith is that they do not walk in His ways. They may be “good” people who do the right thing most of the time, but they are not terribly concerned if everything they do, think, say is in line with God, as long as it’s “good enough.” But they will not be blessed. They will not have the peace and spiritual prosperity that comes from a life abandoned to Christ. The rest of this psalm reveals some of the blessings that flow from a healthy, rich relationship with God. 1- It results in contentment with what one has accomplished, in working to provide for oneself rather than expecting others to do the work. 2- One’s spouse will be fruitful, happy and prosperous. If we are truly seeking to be godly and live as God commands, then we will be pouring into the life of our spouse so that they are filled and content as well. We will love them the way that God loves us, sacrificially and unconditionally. That love and fullness will cause one’s spouse to prosper, to have what they need to be able to do their work. 3- Our children will be like olive plants around the table. Olive trees are hardy, productive plants. They are almost a weed. If we have the spiritual life God desires, it will overflow into our children as well. We will give them the love, discipline and affection they need and they will grow and prosper and the storms of life will not be able to shake them. They will also grow where they are planted instead of being uprooted and growing where ever the wind takes them. A life abiding in Christ may not be the most exciting, it is even difficult when it starts to curb the activities and pleasures of the world. But it is the best life to have. Nothing can match the joy and prosperity that comes from a life totally immersed in God, and seeing the fruits of that in one’s family doubles the blessing!

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