In our egocentric society we are inclined to believe, or at least behave, as if everything revolves around us. As contrary as this is to Christianity, many Christians live without even recognizing it, as if God and our faith are here for our benefit. One need look no further than the attitudes Christians have toward prayer and church attendance. We pray for what we want. We attend church to be filled and meet our needs. We even view salvation as something we chose, rather than something to which God first called us. We often forget, or never even knew, that faith and its practices are an invitation from God.
Isaiah 50:4 New American
Standard Bible 1995
He awakens Me morning by morning,
He awakens My ear to listen as a disciple.
Isaiah 55:1 New
American Standard Bible 1995
“Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters;
And you who have no money
come, buy and eat.
Come, buy wine and milk
Without money and without cost.
1 Samuel 3:4 New
American Standard Bible 1995
that the Lord called
Samuel; and he said, “Here I am.”
Matthew 11:28-30
New American Standard Bible 1995
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
John 6:44 NASB1995
No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day.
God first called us. We would not have sought or
desired Him if He had not first called to us. Some would say that He only calls
the few who will be saved, others that He calls everyone and only a few answer.
I am not here to debate that. Regardless of the view point, the Bible is clear
that we do not first choose God and He accepts us, but that we are here eta His
invitation. If you are saved and have given your life to Christ it is because
He drew you to Himself. He wanted you with Him.
This week in your prayer time, consider the fact
that you are here at His invitation, not just in faith but also in prayer. He
wants to meet with you. He longs for communion with you. As a good parent
nurtures their child, or better as a loving husband seeks His wife’s heart and
companionship, so God desires to have us draw near to Him and open our hearts
to Him.
Above all, the purpose of prayer is communion with
God. He has invited you to spend time alone with Him, like a date. It is not
just so that you can do all the talking, but because He has something to teach
and say to you for your benefit. How does that change the mood and climate of
your prayer time? This week try to be conscious of God’s invitation to you and
record what you observe.
Prayer points taken from Praying Through Adversity by Jennifer Kennedy Dean.
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