Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Devotions: Invisible Work


Just as you do not know the path of the wind and how bones are formed in the womb of the pregnant woman, so you do not know the activity of God who makes all things.

Ecclesiastes 11:5 New American Standard Bible 1995


The creation and formation of life is a great wonder, and still a mystery even in this modern age of science and technology. We may know what happens when a baby is formed in a mother’s womb, but we still don’t really know how. It is a great miracle, how life comes from something inanimate, how a group of cells multiplies and turns into a living being. The wind also is a great mystery. We know now that it is moving air particles which are too small to see with the naked eye. We also know relatively what causes those air particles to move, but how those invisible, miniscule particles can have such power and force is a marvel. We had two small tornadoes a couple weeks ago. Living west of the Rockies, this is very uncommon for us. Watching the videos, they really didn’t seem to amount to much, but the damage they caused was still quite amazing. In the same way that these things are marvelous and mysterious, so is the work of God. He does so much that we cannot see, or that we see but cannot understand, or that we understand but is still miraculous. In the same way that plants start from a dead seed, and slowly in the depths of the earth come to life and grow where we cannot see them so that they eventually produce fruit, so God works in the human heart, one that seems dead and beyond hope, to bring a person to life. We cannot see the work God is doing, especially in another person. Like the wind, we can only see the affects of it, but not the wind/change itself. And often, like a baby growing in the womb or seeds germinating, it takes a long time before we realize anything is happening. Often we give up hope before God is finished. It can seem so pointless, useless to wait when it seems impossible, but God is the king of the impossible. He thrives in doing what we think is beyond hope. That is why we should never give up on God. We don’t realize that is what we are doing, but when we give up on a relationship, on waiting for a person to change, we are ultimately giving up on God. I’ve seen so many marriages fail because one person gave up, not only on their spouse, but on God’s ability and willingness to work in them. I’ve learned that it is never foolish to wait on God, especially if we know we are where God wants us. We are there for a reason, and He is always working. He will not abandon His plan or leave something undone. He is faithful to do what He has said.

Do you trust God? Do you believe that He is working even when you can’t see it? Are you willing to wait for God to work? Ask God to help you trust Him, to believe that He can and will do the impossible. Ask Him to help you see His hand and give you the patience and perseverance to wait. Waiting on God is not fruitless; it grows in us qualities that can be gained in no other way. Submit to His work in you, while you wait for Him to work in others.



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