Thursday, March 24, 2022

Devotions: The Wake Up Call


Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.

Revelation 3:20 New American Standard Bible 1995


This verse is given in a section of Revelation where Jesus is talking to the church of Laodicea which was lukewarm. They were nominal Christians, neither hot nor cold. He warned them to wake up and get their act together. He is there, waiting. This message is for those He was calling. That call or warning was Him knocking. They simply needed to listen to Him, to invite Him in and follow Him. The alternative is to be vomited out of His mouth…On paper that comparison seems pretty plain and easy. However, in practice many find it very difficult. It means giving up the world. Laodicea was sitting on the fence. They claimed the faith, but lived like the world. They were blind to their true nature, assuming they were rich when they were really poor. Their prosperity made them blind to their true need. It made them lax and complacent so their faith became stagnant. They compromised in matters of morals and lifestyle, unwilling to live a set apart life and follow God’s commands whole heartedly. They needed to turn to Christ to be healed of blindness, to clothe their nakedness and cover their shame. Interestingly, the specific things that Jesus said to seek Him for (salve, clothing, gold) were physical items that area was well known for, so it would have been a slap to say that they didn’t have them and needed to go elsewhere to find them. They were focused on the material and physical which made them blind to the spiritual. He was calling to wake them up, to show them their true need, so they could leave their path of destruction and find true life, health and wealth.

How are you like Laodicea? Where has your prosperity made you comfortable and complacent? Do you live a lifestyle of compromise and worldliness? Where do you look to the world to fill your needs? Listen to Jesus’ call. Open the door to His healing and power. Invite Him into your life, submit your life to Him and follow His commands.




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