Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Devotions: To Think Less of Self or of Self Less?


Each of us is to please his neighbor for his good, to his edification. For even Christ did not please Himself; but as it is written, “The reproaches of those who reproached You fell on Me.”

Romans 15:2-3 New American Standard Bible 1995


The word for “please” is more literally translated as “to accommodate oneself to the opinions, desires and interests of others.” Edification means to build up or metaphorically to promote another’s growth in Christ’s wisdom, piety, holiness and happiness. We are to put others before ourselves. Of course this does not mean we are to subject ourselves to abusive treatment. It also does not mean that we compromise or give in to wrong ideas. These ideas have definitely been misused, but in our society of “me first” we need a refresher on what it means to love and serve. Sometimes love means standing against someone for what is right, lovingly telling someone when they do wrong, but it needs to be done for their good and encouragement, to build them up not to promote ourselves or put them down. If we have differing opinions or preferences, it would be better to just not say anything rather than try to point out why they are wrong. We need to check our heart and motive before we embark on something like that. Look at Christ. Instead of making sure He was taken care of and had His needs met, He not only looked after the needs of others but also took on their punishment and shame so that they didn’t have to. That is love. Yes, there were times when He took a stand, but He did it in a godly way for the good of others. He never once did anything thinking of Himself. It was all for the good of others and the glory of the Father. He was perfectly selfless. Not completely abased so that He thought He was worthless, but He thought of Himself less. And there were times when He went off by himself to spend time with God so He could be recharged to continue His ministry. That is how we should be. Our every thought, motive, word and action should be focused on the good of others. This does require taking care of ourselves. As a mom and wife I can tell you that if I don’t take care of myself my family suffers. I can’t love and serve them if I am drained, but I shouldn’t selfishly serve myself either. I (try to) take time to spend with God and do things I enjoy so that I am charged enough to serve my family, taking care of my “self” as God’s temple. The point here is that our motives and intentions should be others focused, not self. We can take care of ourselves and still be others focused. But we cannot take care of others rightly if we are self focused. Why doesn’t it work both ways? Because God didn’t design it to work that way. He designed us to serve others in a healthy way. Notice the wording in the second verse: Christ did not please Himself. He didn’t live according to His opinions, desires or interests. This doesn’t say anything about denying one’s needs, and it doesn’t say that He never did anything He was interested in, but His priorities were correctly ordered. Someone who is truly seeking to live a godly life and love and serve others rightly will see the difference between needs and wants, and be able to draw that line between taking care of ourselves in a godly way and living selfishly. That is why it is important to be in constant communion with God in prayer and Bible study, and to have the influence of godly friends who can lovingly show us when we stray across that line.

Whom do you live to please? Is the building up of others a concern and desire you have? Do you seek to take care of yourself in a godly, not selfish or self-deprecating way? Ask God to help you see yourself and others rightly, to be filled with His truth and love, so that you can take care of others and yourself in a godly way.



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Translations of Greek and Hebrew words taken from

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