Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Devotions: Good vs Evil


‘These are the things which you should do: speak the truth to one another; judge with truth and judgment for peace in your gates. Also let none of you devise evil in your heart against another, and do not love perjury; for all these are what I hate,’ declares the Lord.

Zechariah 8:16-17 New American Standard Bible 1995


Here we have a comparison of what is good and what is evil or wrong. The main point in this text is truth. The truth, the real, absolute, undeniable, unchangeable truth, comes from God alone. Nothing which contradicts His truth is right, true or good. We need to speak His truth to others. We should not lie, manipulate, compromise or deceive. This speaks to our behavior as much as our words. What we say should not have the intent of deceiving or manipulating. We should also judge with truth, in our courts and in every day life. The truth should guide all of our decisions and understanding. We need to view the world and everything around us through the lens of God’s truth, based on His truth. The judgments we make should be for the purpose of peace, not for the sake of our desires or agenda. Granted this needs to be peace based on the truth and not compromise or deception. We should not make decisions for the purpose of promoting ourselves or for causing problems or drama. So these are the good things, truth and peace.

We should not plan evil. Desiring the harm or downfall of others (even our enemies) is wrong because it reveals evil intent within our hearts. There is no truth or peace, let alone love, in that. We should also hate perjury or swearing/vowing/promising falsely. Again, truth. What we say, what we promise or vow, what we testify, should be true. If we can’t speak the truth then we should be silent. Evil intent and lies are both things that God hates intensely because they are the opposite of Himself. He is love, goodness and truth perfectly and completely. If we are to be His children, to be like Him, then we must be people of truth and peace, not of lies, deception or evil intent.

When are you tempted to say something other than the truth? What is your motive in that? Do you desire good for all, not just your friends? Even for those who wrongfully treat you? Ask God to guide and instruct you in the truth, to help you seek peace for everyone, and to desire good for everyone.




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Translations of Greek and Hebrew words taken from blueletterbible.org

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