Monday, August 2, 2021

Devotions: Deceptive Ears


Therefore, putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls. But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.

James 1:21-22 New American Standard Bible 1995


Therefore denotes that what comes after is based on what came before. The previous two verses talk about anger and how we should be calm and understanding because it does not achieve God’s righteousness. Because of this, we need to put aside everything bad. The word translated “filthiness” actually means that which makes filthy. We need to put off, put away, get rid of anything that defiles us, anything ungodly, along with anything worldly and sinful that remained within us after salvation. We are not made perfectly clean when we give our lives to Christ. It is a life long process, but we should not let off in trying to become perfect and clean. Even though we will never reach our goal this side of heaven, we need to keep working on getting rid of what is left over, whatever salvation didn’t purge. Instead of remaining in the sin and bad habits from our old lives we need to humbly receive the Gospel. The good news of what Jesus has done for us is not merely for the unsaved. It is something we should preach to ourselves every day of our lives. This requires humility because pride is not willing to admit the need for salvation or cleansing. Instead of remaining in that “filth” we need to prove that we live what we believe, that we obey the One to whom we claim allegiance. Many hear, but few obey, and obedience is what shows genuine love and salvation. Those who hear without obeying deceive themselves. They are duped into thinking that they are saved when really they aren’t. Their pride keeps them from true repentance and obedience, only to discover their mistake too late.

Do not be deluded. Prove yourself a follower of Christ by loving obedience. Show that you are genuine by getting rid of anything that defiles you, any remainder of your old life. Ask God to help you purge and to reveal the leftovers you are blind to.




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Translations of Greek and Hebrew words taken from

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