Thursday, June 3, 2021

Devotions: Godly Ways and Motives


Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.

Colossians 3:17 New American Standard Bible 1995


The New Living translates this verse as “do it as a representative of Christ.” This is the last verse in a section that talks about putting on the new self, giving up and casting off the old worldly, sinful ways and instead living to be like Christ. If there is anything in us that is not like Christ, or is sinful or harmful or unwise, we need to get rid of it and do our best to replace it with what is like Christ. If we complain we need to replace it with thanksgiving. If we have a temper, we need to replace it with grace and patience. If we struggle with depression we need to replace it with hope and joy. All of these are things we need to work on, but we cannot do it alone. True lasting change can only come from a heart surrendered to God’s work in us. We need to desire to change and work on them, but we also need to submit to God and His strength and ask Him to change us to be more like Him. And He will, He has promised to do it.

Why do we need to change and put off the old self? We are Christ’s representatives. We show the world what He is like and unfortunately, a lot of Christians show the world that Christ is not good. That is what it means to “do all in the name of Jesus.” We need to do everything for His glory, so that when others see us they see Christ and praise Him. We are ambassadors from heaven. And for this we should give thanks to have the honor of representing Christ, to be counted as heirs worthy of His name. But we need to try to live up to that Name as well.

What kind of representation do you give? Does your life cause others to praise and glorify God? Do you represent Him accurately? Are you actively working to put off the old sinful ways and put on Christ-likeness? Take some time to do a heart check. Don’t just see what you want to see. Ask God to examine you and show you what is not like Him and what needs to be removed. Then ask Him to get rid of it. Desire to be like Him in everything. And give thanks for His faithfulness to do it.




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