Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Devotions: Hidden Faith


May all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You;
May those who love Your salvation continually say,
“The Lord be exalted!”

Psalm 40:16 New American Standard Bible (NASB)


This is a psalm of David, praising God and asking for help, yet trusting in God’s provision and sustenance regardless. In this verse, he is not saying it as wishful thinking, but more as a suggestion, even a command. He is saying that those who seek God should rejoice and be glad. Those who love His salvation should continually praise God and tell others what He has done. Earlier in this psalm David said that he had not been silent about what God has done for him, nor quiet about his praise of God. He shouted boldly and told everyone how much the Lord had helped him. This expresses God’s power and greatness to others. It is our witness to the surrounding world, helping the faith of believers and showing unbelievers the truth. Vocally proclaiming God’s goodness also helps grow our own faith. Saying something out loud affirms and cements it in our hearts. If we keep our joy and praise to ourselves, no one benefits. Others will not be encouraged or experience our testimony, and our faith will remain stunted and hidden. A candle is not meant to be left under a basket. Flowers will not bloom shut in a barrel. We need to let our light shine for all to see, unafraid of what the world will think but rather caring more about the One with power over the soul. Do you boldly proclaim what God has done? Do others benefit from your witness? Are you even aware of how God has provided and worked in your life? Ask God to help you see Him work, to see all He has done for you. Ask Him to help you be bold and proclaim your goodness to all.



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