Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Devotions: Is Your Heart Glad?


Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices;
My flesh also will dwell securely.

Psalm 16:9 New American Standard Bible (NASB)


Every time we see the word “therefore” in the Bible we need to ponder what it is “there for.” It signifies that what is about to be said is based on what came before. In this case, David had just given the reason his heart was glad and he rejoiced, living securely. That reason was he took God’s direction and instruction and he set God before him continually. He relied fully on God. He sought God for counsel and wisdom, consulting Him first for everything. He was constantly thinking about God, dwelling on Him day and night. That is the key to “happiness,” to having joy in our hearts and feeling secure. We must trust God, knowing that He is in control. We must seek His wisdom and guidance above man’s, trusting in His sovereign wisdom, knowledge and truth. Lastly, we must think about Him, all the time. He must be the focal point of every motive and desire. Everything we do should be for Him, and the things of Him should occupy our mind continually. We accomplish this in part by keeping constant communication with Him. It also helps to study His word regularly and to meditate on what has been studied, recounting it throughout the day. Is your heart glad? Do you rejoice and dwell securely? How often do you spend time with or think about God? There is a direct correlation. Spend more time with Him. Focus your thoughts more on Him. See how your heart grows.



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