the eyes of the Lord roam
throughout the earth, so that He may strongly support those whose heart is
completely His.
2 Chronicles 16:9 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
God sees everything.
Nothing is hidden from Him not even the deepest, most secret thoughts of our
hearts. He knows every thought, motive and action. Many think they can get away
with something because it is secret and they cannot see God, but they are
wrong. Some think it only matters what we do in public, as long as no one knows
what we do in private, but they are wrong. The only One who matters is God. He
is our judge, no one else. Even if no one knows what we’ve done or thought, it
is still wrong because God knows. Yet God is not just a judge, He is also a
provider and supporter for those who love Him. He actively seeks out those who
love and seek Him so that He can support and lift them up. This verse was told
to King Asa of
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