The beginning of wisdom is:
Acquire wisdom;
And with all your acquiring, get
Proverbs 4:7 New
American Standard Bible (NASB)
The word “beginning” could
also be translated “first, chief, best, or choice part.” So the first and best
part of wisdom is gaining wisdom. This may seem intuitive, but the point is
that we have to seek it. It is not something that comes naturally. We also must
seek it from God for He is the source of wisdom and we cannot get it anywhere
else. We must ask Him and learn from Him, through prayer and the study of
scripture. The second line could also be translated “the totality of the thing
acquired is gaining discernment or understanding.” Gaining knowledge with no
idea how or desire to apply it is both arrogant and ignorant. We need to learn
and seek for the purpose of growing, not only in knowledge but in discerning
and understanding. It does us no good to know the Bible by heart if we do not
obey it, if it does not change or influence us. It starts with knowing, but we
must put it to use and allow it to change and guide us. The following verse
says, “Prize her (wisdom) and she will exalt you.” The best accolade we can
receive is to be called wise, but that cannot be found by showing off what we
know. It must be exercised with humility and understanding. Gaining wisdom is
to grow in maturity, to grow in humility and discernment. It requires a desire
to understand a fellow person, what they think and feel as well as what they
know and do, not with the design to judge or belittle but to truly understand
their point of view. That is wisdom. How wise do you think you are? Do you seek
to gain wisdom? Do you desire to have understanding? Seek God and His wisdom,
ask Him to change and transform your heart through His word. Ask Him to give
you His wisdom and discernment.
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Translations of Greek and Hebrew words taken from
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