Thursday, July 16, 2020

Devotions: Always Thankful

Always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father;
Ephesians 5:20 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

This verse is part of a section about imitating God. One of the ways we can imitate Christ is by always giving thanks in all things. Does this mean we should be happy when we lose our jobs, our children disobey, or we lose a loved one? No, what it does mean is that we should still be thankful in spite of what is happening. This does not necessarily mean that we should be thankful for what is happening, but what God will do through it. Find something in it to give thanks. When he was almost two my son broke his leg and had to be in a body cast for a month. It was terrible, probably more for me than it was for him. Was I thankful that he broke his leg? No, but I was thankful that it wasn’t worse. I was thankful that he healed so well. It taught him a lot about being cautious and patient. He learned to talk because he had nothing else to do. I was thankful that I had a son to take care of. God can use any suffering for His glory, and He will if we will let Him, if we will be thankful. I am reminded of Corrie Ten Boom, as she was in a concentration camp with her sister filled with fleas. As Corrie was tempted to grumble about the fleas, her sister Betsy encouraged her to be thankful for the fleas. After giving thanks for the fleas, Corrie realized that they were actually a blessing because the guards wouldn’t come near the barracks and as a result the women were able to have Bible study without getting in trouble. We can give thanks in everything. By doing that, we are giving glory to God and fulfilling our purpose on this earth. Find something to be thankful for in everything and glorify God!

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