Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Devotions: Blessed to be a Blessing

The generous man will be prosperous,
And he who waters will himself be watered.
Proverbs 11:25 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

What goes around comes around. In a sense, that is what this proverb says, and possibly is where the saying originated. The idea that we reap what we sow is prevalent in the Bible. The word generous is more aptly translated as “to be a blessing.” It involves more than merely giving people money, but truly serving others in whatever they need most. Prosperous literally means “to be fat.” Those who are a blessing to others will have everything they need and more! The second line basically means that the person who satisfies others will be revered. We can only gain when we help others. It may “cost” us something, but the reward is vastly greater. We don’t necessarily get back what we give. The idea that if we give $10 we will receive $100 in the mail is erroneous. The point is that we are blessed when we bless others and we will never lack what we need because God will provide. He honors our generous, servant-like hearts because they are like His own. We don’t have to worry about giving others money or our possessions, because if it is something God is leading us to do, we can trust Him to provide what we need. The blessings of giving and serving are far greater than the blessing of having. How can you be generous today? Whom do you need to water? Ask God to reveal both and trust Him to provide!

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Translations of Hebrew words taken from blueletterbible.org

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