Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Devotions: Sovereign Goodness

The Lord has established His throne in the heavens,
And His sovereignty rules over all.
Psalm 103:19 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

God is not bound by time or space. They have no power over Him. He is bigger than the universe, yet small enough to fit inside our hearts. He always has and always will exist for eternity. In the Chronicles of Narnia, Aslan is quoted as saying “I call all times ‘soon.’” Time does not affect Him, nor does He regard it as we do. This does not mean that He is careless or forgetful, losing track of the passage of time so that He is slow to act, rather He does not feel impatient because of the passage of time, but is free to wait until the right time. In the same way, He is in control of everything, He has all power, but does not exercise his control over everything all the time. He gives us freedom to act as we choose and allows the natural course of life to take place. There are many times when He intervenes on our behalf, but He does not always do that, knowing what the best course of action is. Many people would scoff and claim that means His inaction is cruel or negligent, accepting His sovereignty while forgetting His love and goodness. We cannot see all things as He can, so we do not understand the reasons for what happens as He does. We have to remember that with His sovereignty and power also comes His love. He is completely good, there is no cruelty, ignorance, neglect or malice in Him. He can do no wrong, so when it seems as if He is not kind, it is because we have misunderstood, not seeing the whole picture. Or we may possibly be attributing someone else’s actions for His. We must remember that He is love, He is good, and He cannot be otherwise. How do these two truths, that He is completely in control and completely good, change your view of God or your circumstances? How can you take a step to trust Him more?

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