Monday, November 4, 2019

And That is Enough

I have often felt like I was not enough. I have been discouraged many times because I felt like I did not measure up with what was expected of me, or with what I expected of myself. What defines who we are? Who decides our worth? These are questions many ask, and few find the truth, choosing instead to listen to the voices that are wrong which leads us down a road of pain, confusion and discouragement. What is the truth?

Matthew 6:26-27 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?

Last week I had a really bad day which caused me to question my value and success as a parent, as a person, as a Christian. Rather than taking a bad day as just a bad day, I let it define me. I wrongly expected perfection and when I didn’t get it, it shattered my world. I allowed my worth to be defined by my actions and how well I performed (even though the things that happened were not only not my actions but were totally out of my control).

When he got home, instead of giving me a lecture or saying anything, my husband simply picked a movie that spoke right to where I was; about a mother struggling with her value as a mother in the midst of every day life and difficult circumstances beyond her control. She is encouraged (by the most unlikely person) that she is enough as God made her, that she is the mom God gave her kids for a reason, and that is enough. He referenced a live video of an eagle caring for her young, not worried about comparisons with others, just doing what God made her to do. And that is enough.

It made me think of those verses in Matthew (listed above). God values us much more highly than birds (or any other animal) because we are created in God’s image. We cannot make ourselves better by worrying, or even by “trying harder”. We can’t earn God’s love, mercy or grace. Those are gifts He gives freely because of His love, not because of anything we do or are.

Ephesians 2:10 New Living Translation (NLT)
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Most translations of this verse use the word “workmanship”, but I like the way this says it. Our worth is not in what we do, but in who we are as people God has made. Yes, He created us for a certain work, right now for me that work is parenting, but my value is not in how well I accomplish that. My value is in who I am, as a Child of God, as His masterpiece. I do need to do the work He planned for me as well as I am able, but my worth is not in how well I do it. I simply need to do what He created me to do. And that is enough.

What do you allow to define you? What work are you doing that you feel is not enough? What comparisons do you make? First check to see what defines you and correct it. Allow your status as God’s child be your identity and reject the others. Then see what you are doing. If it is God’s work, whatever that may be, give it your best and be content with that. Don’t allow comparisons with others to weigh you down. That place may not be where you want, but if it is what God wants there is no better place to be. If you are not doing what God wants you to do, prayerfully consider how you can change that, to be where you are supposed to be. It may not be glamorous, it may not be “fun”, but God’s plan is the best place you can be. Do your best in the work He has for you. And that is enough.

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The movie referenced is Mom's Night Out.

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