Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Devotions: Goodness to Those Who Wait

The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
To the person who seeks Him.
Lamentations 3:25 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

God’s love is the attribute people focus on the most right now, to the extent that they forget or even reject the idea that He is also just and holy (and therefore must punish sin). He is also expected, because of His overarching love, to bless everyone and let everyone go to heaven. Unfortunately, that just isn’t true. Everyone receives blessings and goodness from God in some way (otherwise we wouldn’t be alive), but His full goodness and blessing only come to those who seek and wait for Him, i.e. for those who believe and trust in Him. We have to be “in” Him, and have Him in us, to have access to His gifts and goodness. If we reject Him we are also rejecting His greatest blessings and much of His goodness. They come together. I have heard the analogy of a wealthy man who died without heirs so his extensive wealth and property was to be auctioned off. The first item up for auction was a simple portrait of the man’s son which went for a low bid, but once it was sold the auctioneer packed up because in the will the man determined that whoever bough the picture of his son received his full inheritance. It is so with God; we must receive His Son in order to receive His full inheritance which includes His goodness. Have you received His Son? Do you seek and wait for Him? Do you experience His goodness and blessing?

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