Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Devotions: Rightly Condemned

Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:1 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

This is one of the most powerful verses in the Bible, when rightly understood. This means that we will not be condemned to hell even though we will sin. The catch is that this only applies to those who are “in” Christ, those who have His Spirit dwelling in them, those who live according to the ways of Christ and His words. Many mistakenly think that if they say they believe and go to church then they can live however they want, but that is misunderstanding grace and salvation. Salvation requires repentance, which means to turn away from sin and submit to Christ. Grace is the good gifts God gives, none of which we deserve, namely salvation, but if we act as if we can do whatever we want then we are trampling the sacrifice of Christ in the mud and treating it as if it didn’t matter. Jesus did not die to free us from obedience but to free us from sin. If we willingly, continually return to that sin without repentance then His sacrifice for us is nullified and we will be condemned because we are not in Christ. Are you in Christ? Do you desire and strive to live according to His word out of love for Him? If yes, then you are and will not be condemned. If you are not in Christ, what needs to change? Is your life of sin worth condemnation?

To view a video of this devo, visit my facebook page at www.facebook.com/evelynbray15
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