Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Devotions: Fruitful Practice

Our people must also learn to engage in good deeds to meet pressing needs, so that they will not be unfruitful.
Titus 3:14 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

There are certain things which should be a part of every Christian’s life, but many don’t know or realize that they should. Working to meet the urgent needs of others is one that sounds like it should be a given, but apparently it wasn’t. The church Titus led needed guidance or at least a reminder to help visiting missionaries, but also those in the community. In those days especially, when Christians were often ostracized, hospitality and charity to fellow believers was essential. It may have made the difference between a family surviving or not. Yet, it was not something that came naturally any more then than it does now. By nature, we tend to look to our own needs first, so we need training and reminding to “learn” to occupy ourselves with the needs of others. We need to be engaged in the lives of others enough that we know when they need what. Then we need to give it. When this says that they need to do this in order to be fruitful, it does not mean productive in a working sense, but producing good fruit showing their true hearts, the fruit of the Spirit. Hospitality and generosity fall under those fruits, if we are not practicing them, we may be hindering the Spirit’s work in our hearts. Are you allowing the Spirit to work in your life? Allow it to lead you to engage with and help those around you.

To view a video of this devo, visit my facebook page at www.facebook.com/evelynbray15
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1 comment:

  1. Hello Dear Evelyn!
    This was such a great posting and so very true for us today just as it was in Bible times.
    We need for our lives to be steadfast as we walk in the Spirit, so as not to miss the work we are called to do.
    Sadly, people are busy with life at such a fast pace that what is truly important as children of God, goes by the way side.

    I appreciated your inspiring words of wisdom here today and you have certainly given us much to ponder on.

    God bless you for faithfully spreading the Good news of Christ.
