Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Devotions: Drawn to Him

And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.
John 12:32 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

In this passage of scripture, Jesus was foretelling His death, and the way He would die. He was signifying not only that He would be killed, but that He would also be buried and rise again. This statement is not an “if-maybe” but a promise. He did not doubt what would happen, He knew, and we know as well, for it did happen. He died and was buried and rose again. With that resurrection began a crusade, not a bloody, tyrannical cause to kill those who didn’t convert, but a conquest of peace, a journey to bring all the world to Himself, to make peace with all people. It was out of love, not domination or hatred. Through His lifting up, He defeated death and satan. Sin no longer has any power, death no longer is terrible, for those who believe. Jesus is calling all who would hear to come to Him, to leave behind their lives of sin and pain, to accept His sacrifice, to be at peace with Him. Have you been drawn to Him? Have you listened to His call? Are you at peace with Him?

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