When I kept silent about my sin, my body
wasted away
Through my groaning all day long.
Through my groaning all day long.
32:3 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
The New Living
translates the first line as “When I refused to confess my sin.” The psalm goes
on to talk about how terrible his suffering was as a result of his hidden sin
because God’s hand was heavy on him. He fully felt the oppression and
discipline of the Lord, physically, mentally and emotionally. It was like being
in a desert with no relief. But then David confessed his sin to God, he
admitted his wrong and was forgiven. He goes on to encourage everyone to openly
pray to God, to readily confess their sin because He will forgive, and those
who do and are forgiven are blessed. Then God becomes a shield, a hiding place,
our Deliverer. Only after that will God instruct us how to live and give us
counsel. Before we confess we are prideful and will not listen to God, but
after we confess we have humbled ourselves and are willing to listen. That is
why His hand is heavy on us, He hates sin and what it does to us. Like a good
Father He disciplines us so that we will learn to obey, learn to listen. Do you
feel God’s hand heavy on you? Are you hiding your sin? Confess and enter His
blessed presence!
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