For God has not
called us for the purpose of impurity, but in sanctification.
1 Thessalonians 4:7 New
American Standard Bible (NASB)
The New Living says
that God has called us to live holy lives, not impure lives. Purity is a big
deal to God, and that includes more than not having sex before marriage. God
wants us to lead lives of purity in everything; spiritually, physically,
mentally and emotionally. Part of holiness and sanctification is being set
apart. God has set us apart from the beginning to be His. We are not to be like
the rest of the world. We need to be like Him. We need to be pure. We also need
to be growing in holiness, that is the other part of sanctification. Once we
are set apart for God, we need to grow toward Him continually. It’s not just an
on-off switch, but once we are turned on we must grow brighter. It is not
enough to stay on but dull. God did not call us to a life of dullness, but to
shine brightly for Him. That is our purpose in life, to glorify Him, to shine
for Him. We do that by growing in godliness, becoming more like Him. It will
not be a steady upward climb. We will fall, but when we do, we need to get back
up and keep going. We need to repent and move on. A stumble is never an excuse
to give in, nor do we ever fall so far we can’t come back. He will not turn
back on His calling (of us), neither should we. Are you living out your
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