A gentle
answer turns away wrath,
But a harsh word stirs up anger.
But a harsh word stirs up anger.
Proverbs 15:1 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
This verse contrasts
two options when dealing with people: gentleness or harshness. To compare these two options I will tell a story.
This is the story of
Nabal. Nabal was a wealthy man in Israel who was known to have a
temper and a bad attitude. While Saul was still king, David was on the run with
his followers and camped in the hills above Nabals land. They protected Nabals
home from thieves and wild animals, and never took from his flocks for food. One
day David sent a courier to graciously ask for food during a time of
celebration and prosperity. Nabal not only refused but responded defiantly and
insultingly. David was not angry to begin with, but when he heard Nabal’s
response he was livid and determined to exterminate everyone belonging to
Nabal. Nabal’s harshness and unkindness made a good situation bad, and would
have ended disastrously had it not been for a gentle answer. Nabal’s wife
Abigail was a wise and gentle woman. When she learned of the situation, she
prepared food and gifts for David and humbly went out to meet him. She begged
mercy for her foolish husband and sparing for those in their house. Her gentleness
and grace soothed David’s wroth and he turned away, sparing the lives of all.
This one story shows
the affects our words can have in a situation. Harshness always makes things
worse, but gentleness will soothe even a bitter or murderous heart.
How will your words
affect your situations today?
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