Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Devotions: The Joy of Salvation

Therefore you will joyously draw water
From the springs of salvation.

Isaiah 12:3 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Salvation and righteousness were not meant to be an end to fun, a dreary life of rules and an endless list of do’s and don’ts. True salvation, which results in righteous living, brings lasting joy! Getting to do whatever we want may be gratifying for the moment, but it does not bring true satisfaction or contentment. Selfish living actually destroys contentment because it never satisfies. We are always left wanting more. But salvation brings true joy because it is eternally satisfying to the point that it is all we want. When we are consumed with desire for the world, the spiritual seems dry and boring. But once we are immersed in the Spirit we see how empty and destructive the world really is. Nothing can satisfy like God because we were made to be filled with God. Only He can give us true joy and satisfaction, and that only comes through salvation; through accepting Jesus as God, accepting His sacrifice for our sins, acknowledging our own sin and need for a Savior, and committing our lives to Him as Lord. That is the secret to true joy! Christmas is the introduction of that joy to the world! It was the prelude to salvation!


  1. Beautifully said!
    Thank you for these wonderful, daily devotions that you have so graciously taken the time to share with us.
    I look forward each and every day to come and enjoy spiritual food.

    Merry Christmas~

  2. Thank you! I am glad that they encourage you!

    Merry Christmas!
