Thursday, November 16, 2017

Devotions: God's Good Work

 So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.

Philippians 2:13 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Part of God’s good plan for us is to work in us, helping us to grow in godliness and mature our salvation. That requires obedience, not just when we have some pastor or teacher with us to see we are doing right, but always, even when we are alone. God does not work in us only when there is another person there to see it. He is always at work in us, so we must do our part and make obedience a lifestyle and habit. We also need to work out our salvation. This does not mean that we earn our salvation by working. We already have salvation, now we must prove and grow our salvation. When we are hired for a job, we do not stop working once we receive our employment, rather we begin working once we receive our employment and our work proves our loyalty to that job. We need to work continually and diligently, just as God does, to perfect our faith and become more like Him. We need to remember that we are to please Him who is able to destroy the soul, not those who are mortal as we are. That fear (reverence) should inspire and encourage us to that diligence. Awe of God should be the only motive necessary to cause us to seek maturity and perfection. Again, it is God who works in us; He is working along side us, helping us in our endeavors to perfection. He gives us the ability and the desire to do this work. He doesn’t just expect us to do it on our own; He knows that we can’t. It is through His grace that we have that ability and desire, that we have any merit at all. It pleases Him to have be like Him. His good plan involves His good pleasure and delight in us, His creation. But we cannot please Him if we reject His grace and instead strive to be like the world. We need to accept His grace and His gift and strive to join Him in the work of perfecting us. Remember the great motivation we have in His love! Seek Him and seek godliness!

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